We are pleased to present the third issue of our publication Cuatrecasas Arbitration Highlights, in which we showcase the most relevant developments in the field of international arbitration and their practical implications for our clients.
In “our jurisdictions” section, our lawyers in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula explain the most relevant judicial decisions and legislative developments for our clients. In the current issue, we highlight key decisions from the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals of Santiago of Chile, the Constitutional Court and the State Council of Colombia, the High Courts of Justice (TSJ) of Spain, and the Supremo Tribunal de Justiça and the Lisbon Court of Appeals of Portugal. We also highlight the impacts of Peru’s new General Law of Public Contracts over national and international arbitrations.
In “cases relevant to our practice”, we look beyond our own jurisdictions, and highlight the foreign judicial decisions with the greatest impact on our international arbitration practice. In the current issue, we highlight decisions in France, the USA and Belgium that our clients should know.
Finally, in “to be followed closely”, we conclude with explanatory notes on recent ICSID cases in the Portuguese-speaking world, the new arbitration rules of the Madrid International Arbitration Center (CIAM), and conflicting decisions on the issue of annulment of awards under the Energy Charter Treaty.
We hope you enjoy its reading.