Number 4 / December 2024

We are pleased to present the fourth issue of our publication Cuatrecasas Arbitration Highlights, in which we showcase the most relevant developments in the field of international arbitration and their practical implications for our clients.
In “our jurisdictions” section, our lawyers in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula explain some of the most relevant judicial decisions and developments for our clients. In this issue, we highlight key decisions from the Court of Appeals of Santiago de Chile, the Constitutional Court of Spain, and a federal court in Mexico City. We also discuss an ICSID award against Colombia, a resolution of award recognition by the Second Commercial Chamber of Lima, and the recent Manifesto for the use of Spanish in international arbitration signed by the Club Español e Iberoamericano del Arbitraje, the Madrid International Arbitration Center – Ibero-American Arbitration Center, and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In “cases relevant to our practice”, we look beyond our own jurisdictions, and highlight the foreign and supranational judicial decisions with the greatest impact over our international arbitration practice. In this issue, we discuss decisions from the General Court of the European Union, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Paraguay that our clients should be aware of.
Finally, in “to be followed closely”, we conclude with explanatory notes on the amendments to the Energy Charter Treaty, the new policy of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce on the seats of investment arbitrations between EU parties, and the new rules of the Madrid Court of Arbitration.
We hope you enjoy its reading.