Cuatrecasas appoints new board of directors

Spain Portugal International Chile Colombia Mexico Peru
Cuatrecasas appoints new board of directors
Cuatrecasas appoints new board of directors
June 3, 2019

The Partners Meeting approved the appointment of the following members of the board of directors: Martí Adroer Tous, Antonio Baena Bardina, Fernando Bernad Ripoll, Héctor Bros Domper, Ricardo Echevarría de Rada, Carlos Ferrer Haro, Javier Fontcuberta Llanes, Joanes Labayen Andonaegui, Maria João Ricou and Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría. Jorge Badía and Rafael Fontana, as managing partner and senior partner respectively, are inherent members of the board. Raimundo Segura was appointed board and company secretary.

June 3, 2019