Cuatrecasas presents its first Excellence in Law Award to lawyer Íñigo Egea


Cuatrecasas recognizes its lawyers’ legal quality and technical excellence with Excellence in Law Award

Cuatrecasas presents its first Excellence in Law Award to lawyer Íñigo Egea
May 27, 2024
Cuatrecasas has closed the first Premio Excelencia Jurídica (Excellence in Law Award), an internal initiative with which the firm encourages and recognizes the legal quality and technical excellence of its lawyers through writing and publishing articles in academic journals. 

After examining the award nominees, the jury panel declared Íñigo Egea winner of the Award for his work Consideraciones tributarias, contables y regulatorias sobre tokenizaciones de activos y derechos en España (Tax, accounting and regulatory considerations regarding tokenization of assets and rights in Spain), published in Cuadernos de Derecho y Comercio (Journal of Law and Commerce). The panel highlighted the high level of participation, including by young lawyers, and the quality of the submissions. 

"Writing forces you to read and study, and that in itself makes you a better technician: it also forces you to go deeper, organize your ideas and support your analysis. Ultimately, it helps you to communicate better and be a complete professional. It is a privilege to receive an award of this type in a firm with lawyers of the technical quality that those in Cuatrecasas have,” said Íñigo Egea on this recognition.

In January, Cuatrecasas informed its lawyers about the launch of this promising initiative and the conditions to participate in the award: candidates for the Excellence in Law Award must submit unpublished articles or articles that have been published in journals recognized throughout the academic community. The firm established two categories based on the participants’ experience: junior (junior associates and associates) and senior (mid-level associates and senior associates), with a monetary prize for each.

Speaking about the main reason that led the firm to create this Award, managing partner Javier Fontcuberta said: “Excellence is one of the cornerstones of Cuatrecasas and the future of our profession. In the context of our ongoing commitment to excellence, we designed a series of actions aimed at putting it at the center of our organization. One of these actions was creating the Excellence in Law Award, which we have now presented to the first winner.”

This first jury panel was chaired by Corporate and M&A partner Miguel Trías and made up of proven experts from the firm representing different generations, practice areas and regions, recognized for their technical capacity, cross-sectoral knowledge of law, and their vocation for continuous learning: Serena Cabrita Neto and Ignacio Costa (Tax), Fedra Valencia (Litigation and Arbitration), Ignacio Jabato (Labor and Employment), Luis Cortes Martins (Corporate and M&A), Marco de la Peña (Public Law), and Aurora Campins from Knowledge and Innovation Group.

"As lawyers, we must contribute to the progress and development of law with proposals, new formulations and reflections. This is why we wanted to reward the lawyers who make the best doctrinal contributions, who stand out for their rigor and innovation. The results have been truly exceptional,” said Miguel Trías.
May 27, 2024