The legislative situation of the most important countries in the world is analyzed and bringing out the common trends, but also the essential differences amongst the different legal systems in facing the increasing higher interweaving of worldwide economies, the systemic disruption imposed by the 4.0 industry and the general increase of competitive tension in global markets.
The challenges for organisations and for employees and their representatives are becoming increasingly more complex and urgent, upon a future that is changing very quickly and whose outcome is not perfectly outlined.
The labour market shows a clear tendency towards greater flexibility to face global competition. In addition to protect the rights of trade unions, legislative systems try to foster instruments throughout the world allowing the necessary flexibility also in terms of employment agreements, made possible by having greater recourse to the decentralisation of collective national bargaining agreements (the latter is a very clear tendency, moreover, in Europe).
Industrial Relations Law Across the World. Current legal frameworks and trends, 2019. Second Edition, Chapter XVIII.