Specialist in tax law, advising financial institutions and particularly Luxembourg private equity entities and investment vehicles (RAIFs, reserve alternative investment funds; SICARs, investment companies in risk capital; and SIFs, specialized investment funds).

Jose Manuel de Foronda focuses his practice on planning and advising on national and international investment and divestment transactions, asset restructuring of investment vehicles, and designing and implementing remuneration schemes for investment vehicle managers (carried interest).

He is also an expert in corporate tax, advising large national and international groups, as well as large estates with family businesses.

He is a member of the Madrid Bar Association.


  • Master in Tax Consultancy
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE, Madrid, 2012

    Bachelor of Business Administration and Management
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE, Madrid, 2011

    Bachelor of Laws
    Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE, Madrid, 2010

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