Irene Martínez

Senior associate

Spanish English French

She is a white-collar litigator and enforcement lawyer.

Irene Martínez specializes in anti-corruption compliance, crossborder matters and international risk counseling. She also participates in complex white-collar cases involving allegations of bribery, fraud, money laundering and financial disclosures.

She has handled many internal and government-facing investigations for public and private companies in a variety of industries and regions, including the United States, Latin America and the Middle East. These investigations involved a wide array of issues, including bribery/corruption, financial fraud, collusion, improper sales and business practices.

She also advises global companies on developing their compliance programs, including the implementation of global policies, training, and risk assessments.

From 2018 to 2020, she was seconded to the Government & Internal Investigations Group of a leading US law firm, where she worked both from the New York and the Chicago offices.

Member of the Madrid Bar Association.

Author of articles in law journals, books and newspapers, including:

- Co-author,World Bank-Financed Projects—Tips for Successful Participation” in Bloomberg Law, October 2019.

- Co-author, “El abecé de la legislación ABC en Latinoamérica: marco jurídico y tendencias actuales” (The ABC of anti-bribery and corruption legislation in Latin America: legal framework and current trends) in Actualidad Penal 2019, Tirant lo Blanch.

- Co-author, “Retos para la Empresa Familiar en la Era del Compliance” (Challenges for Family Businesses in the Age of Compliance) in Información, June 2016.

Regular speaker at round table conferences and forums related to white collar defense, anti-corruption compliance standards and international sanctions.


  • Bachelor of Laws
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2009

    Bachelor of Laws, and Political Science and Public Administration
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2009

    International Diploma in Political Studies
    Institut d’études politiques de Paris, 2007

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