Application process for 2024 "Equality in the Workplace" seal is open


Official Gazette of Spanish State ("BOE") publishes rules on acknowledging companies’ commitment to gender equality 

Application process for 2024
September 25, 2024

The "Equality in the Workplace" (Igualdad en la Empresa) seal acknowledges companies and entities that stand out for their commitment to gender equality in the workplace, based on the effective application of equality policies.

The BOE has just published Order IGD/954/2024, of September 5, approving the bases for granting the seal and announcing the 2024 application process. 

Requirements and deadline for applying for the seal

To apply, companies must meet the minimum legal obligations regarding gender equality, including having (i) a salary register —see the Post | Companies must prepare for new salary record obligations—, (ii) a procedure for the prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment, and (iii)  an equality plan in the case of companies with 50 or more employees.

Companies must also do the following:

  • They must prove that they have implemented equality measures during a minimum of two years and submit the corresponding report.
  • Companies that cannot prepare an abridged income statement must have a balanced presence of women and men on the board of directors (at least 30%).
  • They must not have been sanctioned in the three previous years for serious or very serious breaches involving equality, non-discrimination and universal accessibility of disabled people.

Companies have until October 14, 2024, to submit applications. As these applications are for obtaining maximum acknowledgment in this area, it is essential that companies obtain specialized advice.  

Benefits of the seal 

Obtaining the seal would lead to the following advantages:

  • Receipt, at a public event, of an honorary certificate for the "Equality in the Workplace" seal, which is valid for five years from its granting and can be extended.
  • Inclusion in the network Red de Empresas con Distintivo de Igualdad en la Empresa (Network of companies with Equality in the Workplace seal), which grants access to a community of companies particularly committed to gender equality.
  • Preference for the awarding of public contracts and subsidies when, in the tendering specifications or regulating bases, there are awards for companies that establish measures aimed at promoting gender equality in the workplace. 

Obtaining the "Equality in the Workplace" seal is not only an acknowledgment of the equality policies implemented by companies; it also reinforces their reputation and social commitment. In a market where compliance with ESG objectives is increasingly relevant, this seal could be a differentiating factor on the market: (i) attracting and retaining talent, clients and investors; and (ii) offering an advantage when public contracts are awarded. 

September 25, 2024