Legal Update
4th Quarter 2024

In this fourth newsletter of 2024, concerning the fourth and final quarter of the year, we highlight the Listing Act, a package of legislative measures aimed at simplifying and making it more attractive for companies to access EU capital markets, especially for SMEs, and which introduces changes to (i) MiFID II, (ii) the Prospectus Regulation, (iii) the Market Abuse Regulation, (iv) MiFIR, and (v) matters related to multiple voting shares.
We also present highlights of legislation on:
- Banking and Financial Law
- Insurance and Pension Funds Law
- Securities and Capital Markets Law
Finally, we present a selection of relevant case law, highlighting European and national decisions on topics such as (i) the resolution of a credit institution, and (ii) the interpretation of contractual clauses of a group insurance policy, the application of contractual changes to previous adherents, and the liability for the payment of disability compensation.