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SubscribeRectification Declaration 15-A/2024/1 of March 5 (“Rectification Declaration 15-A/2024/1”) updates several provisions of Decree-Law 4/2024 of January 5 (“Decree-Law 4/2024”), which establishes the voluntary carbon market.
Specifically, Rectification Declaration 15-A/2024/1 has the following objectives:
· Correct inaccuracies: Eligibility assessment procedures for projects, the guarantee fund, and emission reversal situations are clarified by correcting legal references.
· Clarify key concepts related to the classification and framework of carbon sequestration projects: The aim is to align the provisions of Decree-Law 4/2024 with the decarbonization requirements of the energy market, facilitating access conditions.
Notably, the declaration:
o eliminates financial attractiveness as an alternative requirement for project additionality, thereby making it optional; and
o clarifies that carbon sequestration situations are separate and not cumulative.
Rectification Declaration 15-A/2024/1 has been incorporated into Decree-Law 4/2024 and applies from the date this rectified decree-law entered into force (i.e., January 6, 2024).
For more information about the voluntary carbon market, please refer to our Legal Update, Legal regime for voluntary carbon market.
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