
Carrera 11 No. 79-35 Oficina 701
110221 Bogotá
+57 601 5802470
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Our team in Bogotá offers expert advice on different areas, including financing transactions, capital markets and mergers and acquisitions, as well as planning, structuring and implementing infrastructure and energy projects. Our lawyers also advise on dispute resolution, handling national and international arbitration, civil law matters and judicial reviews, as well as administrative procedures before the different supervisory bodies in Colombia.

Our transactions and project groups have the support of lawyers who are experienced in all the areas required to advice on corporate, tax, environmental, labor, insurance, foreign exchange, foreign trade, compliance, corporate governance and real estate matters, as well as on regulatory issues for specific industries.

In Latin America, we also have offices in Chile, Mexico and Peru. We team up with leading law firms in other countries to ensure we meet our usual quality standards when advising our clients.

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Cuatrecasas services

Covering all areas of business law with a sectoral and integrated approach

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