Specialist in advising insurance companies, mediators, banks and other financial institutions on regulatory and tax matters.

Amara Odériz specializes in advising on the regulation and supervision of insurance and reinsurance companies and mediators, distribution structures, product design and adaptation, and bancassurance agreements and transactions, as well as advising startups in the fintech and insurtech sectors.

She also regularly advises companies in the sector on queries, permit procedures and negotiations with the corresponding supervisory authorities, as well as advising and representing them in inspections and other proceedings.

She has extensive experience in advising on pension plans and funds, complementary social welfare and remuneration schemes.

She combines her regulatory advice with the tax practice specific to the insurance sector.

She is a member of the Barcelona Bar Association.

She lectures in the Master in Tax Consultancy at Universidad de Navarra and in the Specialization Program in Insurance Regulatory Law at Institute of Stock Exchange Studies (IEB) and is a regular speaker at conferences and symposiums on insurance and private banking.


  • Bachelor of Laws
    Universidad Pública de Navarra, 2006

    Bachelor of Business Administration and Management
    Universidad Pública de Navarra, 2006

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