Bci and other banks grant sustainable credit to Celepsa


Cuatrecasas advises Bci on $100 million syndicated financing for Celepsa

Bci and other banks grant sustainable credit to Celepsa
August 15, 2024
Cuatrecasas has advised Banco de Crédito e Inversiones–Bci Miami Branch and other banks on a $100 million syndicated financing granted to Compañía Eléctrica El Platanal S.A. (Celepsa) to prepay obligations, including a bridging loan to acquire Termochilca S.A.C.

The loan has a security interest in Termochilca’s shares and reaffirms Celepsa’s commitment to promoting renewable energy as it is sustainable financing granted by the foreign banks. This financing also helps the debtor to contribute toward the transition to a low-carbon economy.

“We are delighted to have assisted top-tier banks with this sustainable loan. This transaction is further confirmation that Peru’s financial market keeps on the move and also the global trend of companies in the sector to invest in clean energy,” highlighted Cuatrecasas partner Kiomi Osorio from the Lima office.

The advisory team was made up of lawyers Kiomi Osorio, Manuel Cruz and Victor Tejada; with the support of Iván Blume, Álvaro Klauer, Milagros Cacho, Almendra Pachari, Luis Olazabal, Stephanie Torres, María Pía Agramonte, Ralph Salas, Elody Malpartida and Rodrigo Pérez.

August 15, 2024