We improve our classification in M&A rankings

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We improve our classification in M&A rankings
We improve our classification in M&A rankings
January 27, 2020

In the Transactional Track Record (“TTR”) platform, Cuatrecasas holds second position in the classification by value and number of transactions in 2019, with a total of 131 M&A transactions with a global value of €8.9 billion. 

Also, our firm is the leading non English-speaking or global law firm in Mergermarket’s European Top 20 by transaction volume and we hold second position for number of transactions in Spain and Portugal. 

Cuatrecasas increased its activity this year by 2.28% at a time when there is a general decrease in the volume of transactions handled. In particular, M&A value decreased by 16.42% and the number of transactions decreased by 2.73%. 

The most active sector this year has been real estate, followed by the technology sector and finance and insurance. 

According to TTR, the most noteworthy transaction of the fourth quarter of 2019 was APG’s acquisition of 49% of Celeo, valued at €601.72 million, a transaction in which Cuatrecasas advised on the legal aspects.

January 27, 2020