Nuevo Cauca secures Col$120 billion loan for Popayán–Santander de Quilichao highway


Cuatrecasas advises road concessionaire Nuevo Cauca on securing short-term loan of 120 billion Colombian pesos

Nuevo Cauca secures Col$120 billion loan for Popayán–Santander de Quilichao highway
August 29, 2024
Cuatrecasas has advised road concessionaire Nuevo Cauca S.A.S. on securing a short-term loan of 120 billion Colombian pesos for the construction, rehabilitation, improvement and operation of the Popayán–Santander de Quilichao highway.

This strategic financing to develop one of Colombia’s main roadway corridors will significantly strengthen connectivity and competitiveness in Cauca Department. The transaction also reaffirms the commitment to developing the country’s 4G infrastructure projects.

“We congratulate the teams from Nuevo Cauca and Banco BTG Pactual Colombia on the successful conclusion of this important transaction. Their commitment to infrastructure development in one of the regions that most needs it is an example for all. Thank you for trusting us to collectively build a better future for our country,” highlighted partner Natalia Arango from the Bogotá office.

The advisory team was made up of lawyers Manuel Quinche, Natalia Arango, Juan Carlos Camacho, Ariana Catalina Fernández and Nicolás Villaneda. In addition, the team from Bonus Banca de Inversión participated in the finance structuring.

August 29, 2024