More on seasonal rentals in Catalonia


The Parliament of Catalonia agreed to revoke the Decree law published a few weeks ago

More on seasonal rentals in Catalonia
May 27, 2024

The Official Journal of the Catalan Government (DOGC) has today published the Agreement of the Permanent Council of the Parliament of Catalonia revoking Decree law 6/2024, of April 24, on urgent housing measures (the "Decree-law"), which had been in force since April 26, 2024.

As we explained in our Post | Regulation on seasonal rentals in Catalonia, the Decree-law originally established, among other developments, that rental agreements entered into on a seasonal basis for work or study purposes; for medical assistance, or on a temporary basis while lessees are awaiting the delivery of a house or to return to their primary residence should be subject to leasing rules on the calculation and increase in housing agreements, rent increases due to refurbishing, the payment of general and individual expenses, as well as the guarantee provided under Act 29/1994, of November 24, on urban leasing. It also imposed new reporting obligations on leasing offers and agreements, it modified the sanctioning regime for non-compliance with leasing regulations, and it granted a new right of pre-emption and first refusal to the Catalan Government for certain sales of housing located in strained housing market areas.

In accordance with the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia and the Regulations of the Parliament of Catalonia, the Decree-law had to be ratified or revoked within 30 days from its enactment. The Parliament has agreed to revoke it, meaning that it is no longer effective since the resolution was published in the DOGC.

This makes it advisable to analyze on a case-by-case basis the effects that the revoked Decree-law may have had on the seasonal rental agreements entered into while it was in force.

May 27, 2024