Manuel Quinche


Spanish English Portuguese

Expert in structured finance, project finance, infrastructure, and mergers and acquisitions.

Manuel Quinche has advised national and international borrowers, lenders and financial institutions on all types of corporate and project finance transactions, including financing with commercial banks, syndicated financing, financing with multilateral institutions, financing with export credit agencies and financing implemented over capital markets.

He stands out for his participation in the most complex financing transactions and with the highest value carried out in Colombia. He also participated in the two largest M&A transactions in Colombia’s history.

In the area of project financing, he advises on road, port and airport projects; public transport infrastructure projects; oil and gas infrastructures; liquefied natural gas facilities; energy transmission infrastructures; telecommunications infrastructures; and, in general, public infrastructures developed under public-private partnerships.

Before joining Cuatrecasas, he worked at leading law firms in Colombia and in the US. He is admitted to practice law in Colombia and in the State of New York.

He lectures on corporate finance and regularly participates in business and academic forums specializing in infrastructure, project financing and bank regulation.


  • Master of Laws in Corporate Law
    New York University, 2006

    Posgrado en Derecho Comercial
    Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, 2004

    Licenciado en Derecho
    Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, 2001

Directory Mentions

Recommended lawyer
Chambers & Partners (Global & Latin America), Legal 500, Latin Lawyer, IFLR, Leaders League, Who's Who Legal and Best Lawyers in Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate M&A, Public Law, Energy & Natural Resources, Project & Infrastructure and Project Finance

Lawyer of the Year
Legal 500 Colombia Awards (2025)
Legal 500 Colombia Awards in Projects & Infrastructure (2024)
Best Lawyers in Banking & Finance (2025, 2023) and Project Finance (2024)

Global Elite Thought Leader
Who's Who Legal in Projects (2023)

Publications and News