Specialist in national and international arbitration.

Elody Malpartida advises national and international companies on arbitration relating to public concessions, construction and infrastructure contracts, and share purchase agreement contracts. She has participated in national and international arbitration under the rules of the (i) Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Center (CAM Santiago), (ii) American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM), (iii) Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL), and (iv) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (CARC-PUCP). 

She also advises on contract administration and strategy design to prevent and resolve contractual disputes, as well as advising clients on investment arbitration matters. 

Before joining Cuatrecasas she was an associate at a Peruvian law firm, focusing on free and unfair competition, consumer rights protection and intellectual property. 

She was adjunct lecturer in the Oral and Strategic Litigation Seminar course and the Effective Legal Communication course from 2018 to 2020 at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She has also been a guest lecturer in the Commercial Law Institutions course since 2020 at the same university.

She is a member of the Lima Bar Association.


  • Bachelor of Laws (summa cum laude)
    Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru, 2020

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