IP Arbitration in Chile: Aramco's Success in a Internet Domain Name Dispute

Other countries Chile
The registration of the domain "aramco.cl" to the benefit of Mr. Poblete would otherwise "misleadingly" identify the

IP Arbitration in Chile: Aramco's Success in a Internet Domain Name Dispute
July 6, 2024
In a recent decision dated April 8, 2024, a sole arbitrator seated in Santiago de Chile ruled in favor of Saudi Arabian Oil Company ("Aramco" or the "Claimant") in an internet domain property dispute.

The dispute between Aramco and Mr. Joaquín Poblete ("Mr. Poblete" or the "Respondent") arose when Mr. Poblete registered and obtained property rights to the website "aramco.cl" on September 15, 2023, immediately after the Claimant arrived in Chile by acquiring the Chilean entity Esmax Distribución (holder of an oil & gas distribution license of the Brazilian state-entity Petrobras). In the belief that it had implicit ownership of any Aramco-related internet domain (particularly, as it was the holder of "www.aramco.com" and several "Aramco" social media
profiles), on October 2, 2023, the Claimant acted quickly and initiated a domain revocation arbitration proceeding as provided by the applicable Chilean law.

The sole arbitrator ultimately granted the revocation on the basis that the registration of the domain "aramco.cl" to the benefit of Mr. Poblete would otherwise "misleadingly" identify the Claimant.

See complete chapter at: Kluwer Arbitration Blog, July 6, 2024. 
July 6, 2024