Legal Flash Spain - Electricity-intensive consumers statute


On December 17,2020, Royal Decree 1106/2020, of December 15, regulating the electricity-intensive consumers statute  was published in the Official Gazette of the Spanish State.

December 18, 2020

The legislation, which comes into force on December 18,2020, giving effect to the mandate provided in Royal Decree Law20/2018, of December 7, on urgent measures to boost economic competitiveness in the trade and industry sector in Spain, provides a specific legal and economic framework for large electricity consumers.

Specifically, the legislation establishes the requirements they must meet, and the obligations and commitments they must assume in relation to energy efficiency, replacement of contaminating energy sources, investment in R+D+I and employment, among others.

The implementation of the measures is subject to budgetary availability and prior authorization from the European Commission.

December 18, 2020