Cuatrecasas announces Beca Horizonte supporting young talent studying law


Beca Horizonte is part of Cuatrecasas’s commitment to promoting equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion

Cuatrecasas announces Beca Horizonte supporting young talent studying law
November 14, 2024
Cuatrecasas has announced the first edition of Beca Horizonte, a financial aid program designed to help students access law degrees and masters for admission to the practice of law, promoting their autonomy. The scholarship is aimed at students of degrees or double degrees in law at national public universities that have excellent academic performance.

Nuria Martín, the firm’s HR director said: “Cuatrecasas is committed to talent and we believe everyone should have the chance to show their excellence. That is why we promote equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion.”

The first edition will grant two scholarships each worth €4,000, which could be used to fully or partially cover additional training expenses, academic material, IT equipment and internet connection.

Applicants must be enrolled in degrees or double degrees in law at a national public university and be beneficiaries of the MEC scholarship (scholarship by Spanish Ministry of Education) or of an equivalent scholarship from the autonomous regions. First-year students must have obtained a minimum grade of 7.5/10 in the university entrance exam (“EBAU”), excluding complementary subjects. Students from other years must have an average weighted grade of 7.5 at degree level or 7 at double degree level.

The registration period will be open from November 18, 2024 until February 28, 2025. Applications should be made via this link. Students must include their CV, the previous year's academic record or EBAU grade, a letter of motivation and the MEC scholarship certificate.

Once all applications have been received, HR will select the students receiving the scholarship. The beneficiaries will be notified within a maximum of 30 days from the application deadline.

Read about the terms and conditions here.

Cuatrecasas convoca la Beca Horizonte para apoyar al talento joven en sus estudios de Derecho
Cuatrecasas convoca la Beca Horizonte para apoyar al talento joven en sus estudios de Derecho
Cuatrecasas convoca la Beca Horizonte para apoyar al talento joven en sus estudios de Derecho
Cuatrecasas convoca la Beca Horizonte para apoyar al talento joven en sus estudios de Derecho
Cuatrecasas convoca la Beca Horizonte para apoyar al talento joven en sus estudios de Derecho
November 14, 2024