Completion of this year’s Cuatrecasas Welcome Program


Cuatrecasas organizes comprehensive program of activities for students to gain thorough understanding of how firm functions

Completion of this year’s Cuatrecasas Welcome Program
June 25, 2024
On June 19 and 20, Cuatrecasas held its annual Welcome Program in Spain and Latin America, welcoming as interns 38 students of the Master for Admission to the Practice of Law. The two-day online program provided the students with detailed information on how the firm functions and its organizational structure, as well as the values that shape its DNA.

The 38 students have joined the firm’s offices in Barcelona, Bilbao, Bogotá, Girona, Mexico City, Palma, San Sebastián, Santiago de Chile, Seville and Valencia. They will be providing support for the Finance and Tax, Labor and Employment, Corporate and M&A, and Litigation and Arbitration Groups.

Some of the firm’s most reputed professionals participated in the training sessions, activities and talks of this year’s Welcome Program: Recruitment manager, Núria Rexach, welcomed the students; Finance and Tax partner Daniel Coloma gave a presentation of the firm; Corporate and M&A lawyers Cristina Peláez and Javier Rovira studied the success story of the flotation of Puig; Corporate and M&A lawyers Leyre Simón and Javier Vivas gave a talk entitled “Achieve anything you want! International experience”; knowledge technician and legal researcher, Esther Clemente, and senior knowledge lawyer, Angie Arrebola, gave a session on the Knowledge and Innovation Group; and Corporate and M&A partner Mariano Ucar described internal aspects of daily life at the firm.

Finally, Glòria Ruiz and María Piera from the Human Resources Department spoke to the participants about internship at Cuatrecasas and then closed the session.
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
Concluye la última edición del Welcome Program de Cuatrecasas para estudiantes en prácticas
June 25, 2024