IFICI (Tax incentive for scientific research and innovation) Publication of IAPMEI / AICEP notices and application form

Framework - IAPMEI and AICEP notices
The tax incentive for scientific research and innovation (“IFICI”) regime was included in article 58-A of the Tax Benefits Statute (“EBF”) by the 2024 State Budget and entered into force on January 1, 2024. It aims to attract qualified and specialized talent to Portugal by granting a special 20% IRS rate on employment and self-employment income from scientific research and innovation and from qualified jobs for 10 consecutive years. The regime also exempts income from foreign sources from taxation in Portugal, except for pensions and income paid or made available by entities that are domiciled in a country, territory or region subject to a clearly more favorable regime included in the list approved by an ordinance from the Minister of Finance (“tax havens”).
Among the activities covered by the regime are “qualified jobs and members of corporate bodies in entities that carry out economic activities recognized by AICEP or by IAPMEI as important to the national economy in terms of attracting productive investment and reducing regional asymmetries” (article 58-A.1(d) of the EBF).
On February 13, 2025, IAPMEI and AICEP published the notices defining “qualified jobs” and economic activities recognized “as important to the national economy.” They also identified the procedure for registering for the regime.