Cuatrecasas expands its Tax Practice Area with addition of partner José Maria Cabral Sacadura


José Maria Cabral Sacadura has over 16 years’ experience as a lawyer in Portugal and abroad

Cuatrecasas expands its Tax Practice Area with addition of partner José Maria Cabral Sacadura
July 16, 2024
Cuatrecasas has just expanded its Tax Practice Area with the addition of José Maria Cabral Sacadura, who has over 16 years’ experience as a lawyer in Portugal and abroad. This addition consolidates Cuatrecasas’s strategic positioning in this area, especially as regards international taxation and transaction structuring.

José Maria Cabral Sacadura has advised major national and international groups, especially in the asset management and private equity sector. He has worked at leading law firms and consultancies in Portugal, Luxembourg, and the US. He joined Cuatrecasas from TELLES, where he had been a partner since 2023.

Nuno Sá Carvalho, Cuatrecasas’s managing partner in Portugal, comments: “The addition of José Maria Cabral Sacadura, besides expanding our Tax Practice Area, enhances our focus on the most complex and innovative transaction market segment and the most important clients in the market. This addition is perfectly in line with the growth strategy that we have outlined and been implementing.”

Serena Cabrita Neto, coordinating partner of the Tax Practice Area, emphasizes that “with this new addition, who brings great technical quality, the Cuatrecasas tax team reinforces its commitment to the transactional and financial areas, clearly illustrating its mission to be a reference team for both national and international companies.”

For José Maria Cabral Sacadura, “technical excellence, innovative character, and international vocation make Cuatrecasas a unique project. I am very proud to join this team and contribute to its success.”

José Maria Cabral Sacadura holds an LLM in International Taxation from New York University, a master’s degree in Law & Business from Universidade Católica de Lisboa, and a bachelor’s and post-graduate degree in Corporate Income Tax from the Universidade de Lisboa Law School. He is the author of numerous legal articles on tax matters published in Portugal and abroad.

Cuatrecasas’s tax team in Portugal now has 28 lawyers, 4 of whom are partners.
July 16, 2024