
Most significant tax measures approved by Act 5/2021, October 20, of taxes assigned to Andalusia region published

New tax law in Andalusia
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November 11, 2021

Key aspects

> The reduction in the regional tax scale of PIT is brought forward to 2022, being the maximum marginal tax rate 22.50%.

> The maximum marginal tax rate for NWT in 2022 will be 2.50% to net taxable base higher than 10.7 million euros.

> There is a reduction in the tax scale of IGT and the multiplier coefficients will not depend on the pre-existing wealth.

> The requirements to apply the benefits of family business are improved from IGT purpose.

> The Transfer Tax rate set out is 7% and the Stamp Duty rate is 1.20%, both for an indefinite period

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November 11, 2021