Specializing in administrative law and public services regulation, and implementing and developing regulated industry projects, concessions, and public-private partnerships; also handling national and international dispute resolution processes, as well as advising and representing clients before sectoral and regulatory authorities.
Jorge Alvarado Aldana specializes in administrative law and public services regulation. He advises clients from regulated industries on administrative, contractual and regulatory matters, as well as advising on acquiring, implementing, executing and developing the following projects: building, infrastructure, energy, telecommunications, sanitation and public-private partnerships.

He has participated in direct dealings and amiable composition processes, as well as in national and international commercial arbitrations before the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

He also advises and represents companies on ordinary administrative and sanctioning procedures before sectoral and regulatory authorities.

Before joining Cuatrecasas he worked at two leading law firms in Peru.

He is a member of the Ibero-American Association of Regulatory Studies and the Lima Bar Association.

He has authored several articles and opinions published in specialized journals, and regularly speaks at conferences and congresses on his specialty area.


  • Master in Regulated Sectors Law
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, 2024

    Specialization course in Regulation and Competition
    Universidad ESAN, Lima, 2019

    Diploma in Energy Law
    Universidad ESAN, 2015

    Bachelor of Laws
    Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, 2015