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SubscribeCuatrecasas advised Supersol Spain on selling the CashDiplo share capital to a company owned by Supersol and CashDiplo managers. The transaction is expected to be consolidated by the beginning of 2021.
The company that has acquired the cash and carry division has extensive experience in the sector and the company, and has designed a business plan to expand operations.
The Cuatrecasas advisory team for this transaction was made up of lawyers Mariano Ucar, Pedro López-Dóriga and Jorge Aranaz.
Supersol Spain is currently the sole shareholder of CashDiplo, a company that recorded €149 million in sales in 2019 and that operates with 23 cash and carry centers in Spain, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.
In August of this year, Cuatrecasas also advised Carson, the investment arm of the Lithuanian VP Group that owns Supersol Spain, on selling the supermarket chain to French group Carrefour
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