Cuatrecasas advises Stracon Group on listing shares on Lima Stock Exchange

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SubscribeCuatrecasas has advised the Stracon Group—a leading mining services provider delivering integrated solutions across the Americas—on listing its shares with the Stock Market Public Registry and the Lima Stock Exchange Registry.
The decision to trade on the stock market seeks to enhance the company’s regional visibility and strengthen its commitment to creating sustainable value for its stakeholders.
Oscar Trelles, managing partner of the Cuatrecasas Lima office, said, “This milestone reflects the Stracon Group’s commitment to providing world-class mining solutions and continuing its strategic growth in the Americas. We are honored to have been part of the process, providing legal support and experience to facilitate this achievement.”
Diego Carrión, Capital Markets and M&A expert and partner, added, “It is particularly pleasing to participate in transactions that contribute to developing the Peruvian stock market and the growth of successful Latin American multinationals like Stracon, which originate in Peru.”
The advisory services for this transaction were led by lawyers Oscar Trelles and Diego Carrión, together with Augusto Hostia and Vasco Mariátegui.
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