Cuatrecasas and other large companies promote remote working

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In the framework of its commitment to innovation in the workplace, Cuatrecasas has joined the initiative 12 causas + 12 propósitos (12 reasons + 12 purposes), promoted by 50&50 GL, a consultancy firm specializing in equality, and Women in a Legal World, an association of female lawyers. The statement establishes 12 commitments that highlight the need to reconsider traditional working methods and to opt for digitalization and remote working, while also ensuring the workers’ right to disconnect digitally from work and the right to confidentiality.
Our partner Cuatrecasas Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, a member of the advisory comitttee of Women in a Legal World, stated that Cuatrecasas has been a pioneer with its remote working methods given its firm commitment to achieving a work-life balance: “In recent months, remote working has become part of our daily working life. The pandemia has put our digital capacities to the test and we have passed with flying colors. By joining this alliance, Cuatrecasas wants to continue in its position at the cutting edge, aware of the challenges that remote working presents—from constant innovation to guaranteeing confidentiality for its clients—and to continue to look after its team’s health and professional development.”
Below we list some of the commitments established in the joint statement by the large companies that have joined this initiative:
- To foment digitalization in the public and private sectors to promote an organizational transformation and remote working.
- To create a collaborative environment and to promote communication between directors and workers, both in face-to-face and distance situations.
- To implement new codes (task for executive management) to manage and assess workers’ performance based on objectives and using efficiency criteria, with the aim of improving productivity.
- To promote training in technological skills for workers, so they can take on this new work method without there being differences relating to age or other factors.
The declaration highlights that widespread remote working presents an opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint as trips to work centers would be reduced.
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