Advised General de Alquiler de Maquinaria (GAM) in the launching of a Bond Program in the Alternative Fixed Income Market (MARF)

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SubscribeCuatrecasas lawyers advised General de Alquiler de Maquinaria (GAM) on registering a bond program on the Spanish Alternative Fixed-Income Market (MARF) for up to a maximum of €80 million, with which it complements the €50 million commercial paper program it launched last January and expands its presence on the market.
Through the placement of the new bond issue, the company will be able to access qualified investors in a flexible manner to diversify its sources of medium- and long-term financing with fixed and variable interest rates, linked to the Euribor, and with bullet maturities or early redemption options.
Cuatrecasas partner Miguel Cruz led the advisory team for GAM with the participation of lawyers Nuria Burillo and Gonzalo Terceño.
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