We advised Grupo Atresmedia in the refinancing and conversion to sustainable financing of its syndicated corporate loan for an amount of 250 million euros.

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SubscribeThe lawyers at Cuatrecasas have advised the Atresmedia Group on refinancing and converting its €250-million syndicated corporate loan to sustainable financing. This was the first sustainable financing transaction by a communications group in Spain and one of the first of the sector in Europe.
CaixaBank acted as the sustainability coordinator together with BBVA and Banco Santander, and also as agent, which involves administrative and accounts tasks, and validating the pre-set sustainability targets.
This syndicated financing is aligned with the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles (2019) and is linked to the performance of two social and one environmental indicators. In particular, Atresmedia linked the margin on the loan to the development of three pre-set indicators that will be reviewed annually: (i) advertising spaces granted for free to non-profit entities, (ii) accessibility to television content through subtitling, and rating in the climate change report by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and (iii) a world reference in performance measurement and disclosure in the fight against corporate global warming.
The Cuatrecasas team handling this transaction was led by Manuel Follía, partner of the Finance and Banking Practices, together with mid-level associate lawyer Adriana Serra.
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