Cuatrecasas hires Enrique Carrera as new partner in Antitrust & Competition Practice

Spain Portugal

With over 20 years of professional experience, Enrique Carrera specializes in EU, Spanish and international competition law

Cuatrecasas hires Enrique Carrera as new partner in Antitrust & Competition Practice
September 5, 2024
Cuatrecasas strengthens its Antitrust & Competition Practice by hiring lawyer Enrique Carrera as a new partner in the firm. With over two decades of proven experience, he specializes in all aspects of European Union, Spanish and international competition law, as well as advising on foreign subsidies (FSR) and foreign investment authorization procedures (FDI).

Enrique Carrera has a Bachelor of Laws (Universidad San Pablo-CEU, Madrid), a Master’s degree in Competition and EU Law (College of Europe, Bruges), a Master’s in German and EU Law (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), and a Diploma of Higher Studies (DESUP) in EU Legal and Economic Studies (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). He is recommended in Chambers & Partners international legal directory as an expert lawyer in his practice.

Since 2001, when he began his extensive career, he has worked with some of the leading global law firms, always assisting major international companies and private equity funds. He has advised high-profile national and international clients on highly complex mergers from a competition law perspective (including national, EU and non-EU mergers), cartel cases, distribution agreements, compliance issues, national and EU abuse of dominance, competition disputes, EU state aid matters, and foreign subsidies.

On joining Cuatrecasas, Enrique Carrera commented: “Cuatrecasas is a leading law firm. Its strong team of partners, its quality and its culture focused on client service and satisfaction is what attracted me to the firm. I am excited to be part of this magnificent team and hope to contribute to the next stage of growth.”

Enrique Carrera will bring significant added value to the Antitrust & Competition Practice, consolidating and strengthening its position as a leader of the legal sector in this type of services. His professional profile and personal qualities will enhance the Cuatrecasas services in the field of commercial transactions and, particularly, in advising international private equity funds.

Coordinating partner in Antitrust and Competition, Pedro Marques Bom, highlighted: “Our practice is experiencing sustained growth, driven by a unique value proposition that emphasizes quality, exceptional talent, and a client-centric approach. We have committed to a unified team that spans multiple countries, working with clients to reach their business objectives. Our goal extends beyond merely offering legal advice; we want to excel and be part of the business solutions. Enrique is a leading lawyer with extensive global experience, dedicated to devising real solutions for real clients with real businesses. His expertise and personal qualities are invaluable assets that will definitely contribute to reinforcing our capabilities.”

September 5, 2024