Amper issues sustainability-linked bonds on MARF worth €30.7 million


Cuatrecasas advises Amper on registering a sustainability-linked bond program and on its first bond issue on MARF

Amper issues sustainability-linked bonds on MARF worth €30.7 million
July 25, 2024
Cuatrecasas advised Amper on registering a sustainability-linked bonds program on the Spanish Alternative Fixed-Income Market (MARF) for €100 million. The advisory service also included the issue and admission to listing on MARF of the first bond issue under the program (total nominal amount of €30.7 million and maturity date of July 23, 2029). 

The bonds in this first issue are considered sustainability-linked bonds due to being linked to sustainable criteria in line with the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles published by the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).

Thanks to this issue, Amper will be able to diversify its financing sources, reduce financing costs and reinforce its growth potential.

The Cuatrecasas team advising Amper was led by Jaime de la Torre (partner Capital Markets), with the support of partner Roger Freixes and lawyers Gonzalo Terceño, María Alaminos, Jaime Juan Rodríguez and Javier Calle

July 25, 2024